I brought in some fabric remnants from Wal-Mart (it's amazing how much you can get for $5) and we upholstered our styrofoam couch in some traditional and muted plaid fabric. Farrell started making an armchair for the papa finch to sit in and i think we'll use the same fabric to cover it with.

Since i missed class last thursday, i put a few more layers of plaster on my bird head to cover up some holes. I should be able to remove the clay next class and perhaps work on building a body to go with it.

As far as the script goes...it didn't go today. I assigned us all to watch some sitcoms for homework. We need to get a handle on how to begin and how to move through our plot. We agreed that we're gonna have to develop some very strong dialogue but also develop a more detailed storyline to guide us with a beginning, climax/conflict, and ending. We hope to have a good brainstorming/scriptwriting session on Thursday.
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